Meet Our Team

2020-2021 Peer Education Team

Picture of Adanna Byrd

Adanna Byrd

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Year: Senior

Major: Africana Studies

I am most passionate about nutrition because of how it truly affects your life, whether you are fighting a disease, your performance as an athlete, or certain food intolerances. I also love that nutrition differs for almost everyone and how personal it can be. Nutrition is a big part of our lives and should be taken seriously.

Picture of Aliza Ukani

Aliza Ukani

Hometown: Boca Raton, FL

Year: Junior

Major: Neuroscience and History

I am passionate about mental health and ensuring that each and every person is able to find the help that they need. Especially in a high stress university environment, I believe it is important to be knowledgeable about doing what is best for the self to not only succeed, but also thrive!

Picture of Carson

Carson Loperena

Hometown: Plantation, FL

Year: Sophomore

Major: Public Health

The health topic I am most passionate about is fitness and nutrition. I might be cheating by saying both, but the truth is that fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. The human body is kept healthy by exercise and good eating, and that is what makes this health topic so important to me. For me, a healthy life is a good life and I believe everyone can live a better life by eating healthy and hitting the gym.

Picture of Jessica Gomez

Jessica Gomez

Hometown: Miami, FL

Year: Sophomore

Major: Nursing

I am most passionate about is women’s health, especially addressing the health disparities present in our community.I believe that every person should have access to the resources they need be educated on the importance of women’s health and how to live a lifestyle that helps promotes health and prevents disease.

Picture of Katie

Katie Ghougasian

Hometown: Boca Raton, FL

Year: Junior

Major: Public Health

I am most passionate about sleep and stress management. I feel like they both are really interconnected and the importance of sleep is overlooked in college.

Picture of Maia

Maia Barile

Hometown: Melbourne, Florida

Year: Junior

Major: Public Health 

I'm really passionate about nutrition. Personally, I feel like knowing how to manage a healthy and nutritious diet and lifestyle is one of the most important things we can do to feel our best.

Picture of Sophie

Sophie Weed

Hometown: Jupiter, FL

Year: Junior

Major: Exercise Physiology

Currently I am most passionate about nutrition and exercise, and how both of these things together can improve well-being and result in better health and less diseases. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and a low-carb and low sugar diet is shown to reduce diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Exercise also helps by improving blood flow and improving mood, and augmented with diet, is a better solution that many medications.

Picture of Willow

Willow Webb

Hometown: Pompano Beach, FL

Year: Senior

Majors: Public Health and Sociology

I am very passionate about the topics of health disparities and inequities around the globe. I feel that everyone has the right to be healthy and we will not achieve optimal health conditions globally unless we account for every person that tends to be left behind due to societal conditions and beliefs. This is the reason health disparities and inequities is so important to me.
